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Blerta Hashani’s (*1997, Ferizaj, lives and works in Ferizaj/Kosovo) paintings are informed by classical landscape painting, but what they show are private views of the nature surrounding the artist’s home in the countryside. These small-scale works — paintings attached to jute — are experimental, minimalistic sketches based on a few brushstrokes, a sketched line or a layering of translucent paint. Modulated from basic elements, fundamental aspects of landscape become visible: volumes and contours, atmospheres, degrees of luminosity, of lightness, and solidity. Horizon lines turn into coordinates that provide orientation and yet leave much to imagination.
ARKIV – Institutit të Artit Bashkëkohor, Peja/Kosovo
"Silent Threads Resounding Kosova"
Galleria Continua, Paris
"Perceive, Record, Imagine"
Foundation 17, Prishtina