Hanne Lippard (*1984, Milton Keynes/UK, lives and works in Berlin) has been using language as the raw material for her work for the last decade, processing it in the form of texts, vocal performances, sound installations, printed objects and sculpture. The artist has developed a practice that lies at the confluence of spoken and written word, wherein she appropriates content from the public sphere, chiefly from online sources or from the field of advertising, to investigate how the rise in digital communication and mediation is reprogramming our relationship to language. Lippard intertwines found text with her own material, which she then manipulates through a variety of devices, such as repetition, the shifting of intonation, or the exploitation of homonyms, in order to formulate musings on contemporary life.
She draws upon themes including questions of bodily and mental wellbeing, self-optimization, and living through the lens of social media. By consciously picking at the seams of her found and fabricated texts, Lippard makes us acutely aware of the fragility of language as a tool for conveying meaning and sense. She exposes its flaws, its oddities, its double entendres, and its potential for misinterpretation through series of calmly obsessive utterances that bear an affinity to the iconoclastic literary experiments of the Dada movement.
"Things That Were Are Things Again"
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
"The Weight of the Concrete"
Grazer Kunstverein, Graz
"Phantom Power"
Kunstraum Konrad, Puchberg/Austria
Artforum, May 01, 2023
Zerodeux 02, 2022
Antoinette Jattiot, Hanne Lippard
mousse, Fall 2019
Balthazar Lovay, Is Wow the Same as Great?: Hanne Lippard