I picked up a very clearly beautiful, unambiguous, yet very smelly a block of wood flowing down the river.


<p>COBRA<br><br><br />
I picked up a very clearly beautiful, unambiguous, yet very smelly a block of wood flowing down the river.</p>
[ click image to view slideshow ]

On view are five new works from the artist’s "Bird Gallery for Birds”-series along other wall and floor-based new works.

COBRA (*1981) is a Japanese artist and the founder of XYZ Collective, an artist-run gallery based in Tokyo, Japan. Using various disciplines such as video, performance, sculpture, and painting COBRA intends to present trifling contradictions hidden within both art history and our daily lives, with a dose of humour. COBRA received his BFA Department of Ceramic, Glass and Metal Works from Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan. He has extensively exhibited in Japan as well as at 356 Mission Rd, Los Angeles; Springsteen, Baltimore, USA; The Apartment, Vancouver; Brennan & Griffin, New York; Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago; Freedman Fitzpatrick (Los Angels), among others.